Here's where to download your updated databases from Harrison's Guide to the Top National TV Talk & Interview Shows

Please read all instructions carefully!
You may want to print this page for reference

Important - Are you a paid subscriber?  This update is protected by federal copyright law and more importantly, by your integrity.  If you have not paid for this data, you have no right to download it.  To become a subscriber, go to  We offer a reward of up to $5,000.00 to anyone giving us information which leads to successful prosecution of copyright offenders. To report such a case, email us at

Here's how to download the data:

Step 1 - Do you know which files you need and how to use them?

If not, click here to download our set of instructions which explains the files in greater detail.  You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to open the instructions.  If you don't already have it, you can get it for free at Adobe's site.

When in doubt, download the “Ascii/Text” (also known as “comma delimited ASCII” files) because almost any word processor or database software can import them  (Word, Excel, Act, Goldmine, etc).

Step 2 - Are you clear on the two types of files we'll be giving you?

Regardless of the format(s) you decide to download, you’ll be getting two files from us.  The first, contains ALL the contacts in our guide (about 600 names). The second, contains only the “Best Overall Contact” for each show (about 230 names).

In general, you don't want to approach more than one person at a given show.  Otherwise, you can have a very angry producer on your hands if they find out their colleagues have already heard from you.  Therefore, we generally suggest you use only the 'Best' database.

Step 3 - Download the files

You can download all the files listed below in one .zip file.

If using Internet Explorer, choose “Save Target As..” and download the files to your desktop.  If using Netscape, choose “Save Link As…”

A new window will appear, giving you the option to save the files in a location of your preference. We suggest saving the files on your desktop. In the “Save in” box, selected Desktop and then click Save.

List of files in

File Name Format
TVAsciiText Comma delimited ASCII text
TVDataDbf Dbase III
TVDataAccess Microsoft Access 2000. May or may not be compatible with earlier versions of Access. if not, select Dbase III files.
TVDataFilemaker FileMaker Pro
TVBest ASCII / text version of file with only the Best Overall Contact for each show
TVAll ASCII / Text version with all contacts, all shows
TVBestFM Filemaker version of file with only the Best Overall Contact for each show
TVAllFM Filemaker version of file with all contacts, all shows

Step 4 – Once downloaded, open the files on your computer

Locate the file on your Desktop. Double-click the icon to open the Unzip window. Press the Unzip button, then once the files are unzipped, load them into your database, spreadsheet or contact management software.

Harrison's Guide to the Top National TV Talk & Interview Shows

Bradley Communications Corp
390 Reed Road, Broomall, PA 19008
Email: CustService(at)